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My First Post

Now more than ever, I want to stay connected with people. What better way to do that than through the Internet? I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while and instead of putting it off any longer I decided why not just go for it! For my inaugural post, I wanted to give some context to my reasons for blogging.

If you follow me on social media, you may agree that I tend to write longer-than-normal captions. Whether that be talking about my family or my love for One Direction, I consistently write more than some people probably want to read. #Englishmajorprobs

Sooo in my attempts to stray away from that pattern, I've created a place to put all of my sentiments and unfiltered ramblings. That is what this will be. A safe space where anyone can come to escape from the world for a bit. Some of my inspirations for starting a blog are Carrie Hope Fletcher and Zoe Sugg. I admire their honest storytelling abilities and their emphasis on self-love. I hope my words will bring as much light to people's lives as theirs have to mine.

Why call it Piece of Reece? Well, my middle name is Reece and each of my posts will be sharing a piece of my life (haha get it?) Not affiliated with Reese's Pieces even though that candy is bomb.

I enjoy expressing my thoughts through words so I see this as an expanded form of journaling. For my own writing, I'm constantly being inspired by my family, friends, music, and nature. As I write this I'm listening to Harry Styles' "Fine Line" album because it is a MASTERPIECE (let's take a moment to appreciate this gorgeous human).

Some of you may know me pretty well (Hi Mom) and others may be new friends/acquaintances. Regardless of whether you know my middle name ;) or my deepest darkest fears, I want to invite you into my life. It'll be a nice change to write something other than academic essays. My goal is to post once a week. I plan to write a variety of things from book reviews to poems to tutorials/advice. I want to share my hobbies, my opinions, the highs and lows of college, and my faith journey. I can't promise it won't be messy at times, but it'll always be real. I hope my posts will make you see something in a new way, entertain you, or even just bring a smile to your face.

Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. Sending virtual hugs to you always!

Stay updated and inspired by following my blog's Instagram! @pieceofreeceblog


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