This year's Easter looked very different.
No big family gatherings
where Easter egg hunts spark fierce competition.
Seeing Grandma’s face over Zoom instead of in person
to keep our loved ones safe.
No dressing in our Sunday best to attend Mass, instead participating virtually
Learning how to embody the Church without the physical structure
Looking forward to the day when we can gather in fellowship again.
In many ways, similar to the first Easter
where disciples had to process the news and celebrate in the quiet of their homes
Until the time comes when we can rejoice together.
Jesus is Risen, He is alive!
Holds more meaning now
when everyday brings its own set of challenges.
Jesus suffered too, immensely
Denial, betrayal, unjust punishment, ridicule, the burden of the heavy cross
Through all of it He thought of us, spoke our names,
He overcame death!
Showing that
we are worthy of His overwhelming love.
The joy that Mary and the disciples felt when they realized Jesus had risen,
I want to experience this joy everyday!
Easter gives us hope in God’s goodness and mercy
what we need most in the world right now.
Last week, a rainbow painted the sky
Seven colors lined up in an arch among the clouds
Reminding us that God is always faithful,
even after a storm.
On our darkest days
He will never abandon us.

Hope you enjoyed this poem, it was fun to write! Have a beautiful day :)